Sorry that this post came late. I am trying to sumbit and blog every two weeks at least. Well let see. Our group is not going so well. Like for one, two of our senior group is discussing about basement 14. I seen the place, it looks run down and even my step dad knows the place. I will still check it out, but I think we need a place that is a little sophisticated and professional.
It is not a snobby thing it is a professional feel, not a hang out.
It is hard to talk about certian subjects without sounding like an ass or dick, whatever. The bottom line is that we need to be MORE prpared and MORE productive. I have seen NO advertisement for the "release " party we had at the Gone wired, so it was a waste of time. Right now I am worried about my own creativity and shit. The group have to work on planning before jumping into anything else. The group is running into a brick wall right now. It will take a lot of work to turn ourselves around. Just like with participation. Our lives are busy and low budget. That is the cold hard truth. Even myself, I have to work on geting products created. It is called LIFE. And we cannot blame each other for misshaps. Ever since Comics Obcsura fell apart...it's been rough. I don't know what is going to happen from now on. All I know is that we will still move on with whatever we are doing. For me, it is LMR revamp, Orc Quest and my galleries.
I don't know what else to say..I guess this blog may be a waste becuase it is not going to make a difference. They are trying, but I don't know....