..............................looks like things are just going to repeat itself... Our so-called-president have been iresponsible, unreliable, ungreateful, and may possibly be unawar of the words coming out of his mouth. I was disapointed with him ever since the midsummersexpo in detroit. Then everything just kept on sliding down into a big, healthy pile of dog shit. I am tired of the mistakes, I am tired of Joe, I am tired of all the disrespect, and punches. I can only take so much. Now our group is going to back to the ways of Obscura. The group seems to think that everyone wants to do print. No. Apparently webcomics are just the social part of the group. No, apperently we are still having leadership and authority figures, NO. We are supposed to be a support group for local artists, NOT a business. The ones that want to be a business cn do so, but do not expect the rest to follow. I never thought I was apart of "Dark Corners" I never thought of myself being under a group name. Ever since the Obscura incident, I always thought of myself as, Monica L Vallejo. That is what I am and that is who I will be working for. The only other person I am working with is Christy on Orc Quest,. NOTHING MORE. I am not apart of basement 14, I am not apart of the panel. I am not FDark Corners. I am ME. I love the people and the artists in the group, but I am tired of the group. You may take this however you like, but some understands what I mean. Our group is not ready for building a business or monthly prints. None of us really have the money or will think of it as a good investment. I am currtenly not going to put money into something that I am not going to apart of. This doesn't mean that I am going away from the group or breaking apart from the group. This just means that I don't think of myself as Dark Corners. We are continueing making the same mistakes over and over. We do not bold well under authority, we o not work together that well on the same projects. We work very well as a support group becuase we all have individual goals. We have the wekkly goals as a way of getting used to deadlines. THAT IS ALL. So, I am going to the grand Cafe instead of Bigby's for two main reasons. ONE I do not want to do what everybody else want to do, TWO I do not want to waork under Joe. I am not trasveling accross town for a meeting about printing. I do not want to do prints. I want to do webcomics to get my story and characters out there. That way, I will know wether or not it sells. I still want to hang out with you guys and will still attend the Friday meetings. I just will not be apart of the panel. The bottom line is that we are not ready nor will many of us get it done in time. Do not take any offense to this or anything. I am just tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. And the sad part of it is that one of our memebers knows about business and have REALLY great ideas, buit no one wil listen to him. And the whole thing about hating on webcomics and manga. I am sorry, but I am a manga artist and want to do webcomics. THAT IS WHERE OUR AUDIENCE ARE. I cannot help, btu be a manga artist because that's all I would be under. Get over it please! I cannot be in a group where our own leader just attend the meeetings just to beat me around all he wants. I am tired of it. I am tired of it all. I do not know why Joe has it out for me so much. MAYBE because I have no talk ill of Jay. maybe because I am a manga artist. Maybe I am a better leader than him. Who knows because no one seems to wnat to answer that or knows why. If there is a reason, I want to know so that I can understand and possibly work it out with him. He caused a lot of dammage to the group, I am sorry to say, but it is true. And the reason why it hurts me so much because he was so happy to have me on board with comics Obscura and did not have a problem with me being a manga artist. Then he tured around and pushed me. I had a lot of respect for the group and him ,but I can't do it anymore. take this however you like, I am not dissing the you guys or disrespecting or any ither of that drama crap. It's simple, I do not want to do prints or do what the group wants. I am 22 years old, I need to work my own project and get my name out there. So, Myself, Micky, Christina, and Devon are going to continue being a supprt group at the Grand cafe, they want us there , they want us to hang artwork, and it is in an art community. My mind is made up until it is figured out. I just don't want any of you guys taking this personally or anything. I still want to work with you guys and hang out, just not as a business. We still have some work to do before we can start a business. I will see you guys Friday, if you still want me there, but I do not want to be around Joe. Later.
Sorry to hear about everything Monica...
Hopefully everything comes together. Stick to your guns and do what you do best.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Keep your chin up and keep plugging away.
There's nothing wrong with Manga, it's a style one you make your own. So keep creating and show what it means to "own" the style not fit into a style.
Sorry to hear you still feels hurt.
For now, just be yourself and continues on your project what you love do.
I really enjoy your manga style and loves to see your webcomic someday. Start with foundation, then slow development on way up where you like to be.
If you want to talk somebody for anything, email me I would be happy either talk you or meet you somewhere in downtown during lunch hour by my work "block south of LCC. "
Think happy place where you want ot be and totally forget about pain...
Thank you do much =3 Now I know what Jay ment by not bieng apart of Obscura..we are not ready to start a business, we were just fine as a support group. And I will keep in touch with you. :hugs:
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