These are the sketches for a "second" main character. I am working on a comic with Christy Hans from Comics Obscura. This is about a Orc and a bazerker that will start out as one-shot images to introduce the characters. There are also other characters like a pot-smoking-two-headed-dragon, a not so evil wizard and a actual villian. This guy is the not so evil sorceror whi has a crush on the Orc's female companion. To win her effections he does "evil" things and tricks which just make him more of a dork. I have here are just an idea of what he might look like. She wanted me to tinker with the hair and the outfit. Unfortunately I am not good with fantasy based characters or weardrobes. She does so she can help me A LOT with that. Enjoy:D
"I haz to ponder"
I like the top one ^^ nice work!! looking forward to Friday to have more time to brain storm. Your doing so well and working so hard. I'm rather embarrassed lol
Thanks!! I am very happy its going to your liking^____________^ Also gotta make sure we have a rideOO I think we have one with Dev, I shall ask to confirm^^
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