Monday, February 23, 2009


These are the sketches for a "second" main character. I am working on a comic with Christy Hans from Comics Obscura. This is about a Orc and a bazerker that will start out as one-shot images to introduce the characters. There are also other characters like a pot-smoking-two-headed-dragon, a not so evil wizard and a actual villian. This guy is the not so evil sorceror whi has a crush on the Orc's female companion. To win her effections he does "evil" things and tricks which just make him more of a dork. I have here are just an idea of what he might look like. She wanted me to tinker with the hair and the outfit. Unfortunately I am not good with fantasy based characters or weardrobes. She does so she can help me A LOT with that. Enjoy:D
"I haz to ponder"

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh My God!!! Just one pic????

This is what I drew today in my computer class. I have the color version up on my Deviantart account. Yeah nothing NUAGHTY or anything like that on here. Maybe soon, maybe not I think I will just change the settings until I actually have anything x-rated on here.

Still doing some practice with the tablet. Still need some work with CG and the illustration. Maybe the lines are too thick for CG??????? I have a few DBZ fans on my DA and they wish to see more fanart of the characters. I personally LOVE the series, but I dont want people to go to my page becuase it is of thier favorite characters. then agian they also love my art so it makes it worth the time sort-of-speak. Oh yeah, Goku (C) Akira Toryama^-^

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My computer is still under construction. I cannot scan any new artworks so all I have is a bunch of doodles for you all. Also I was recently hacked or spammed on my deviantart account and had to change ALL of my passwords. My flashdrives will work for now,but soon they will be filled. I do not want to hog my mom's computer so this is all I can do for now. My art classes have tablets so I can doodle up some images for here and my DA. Its great practice on a bigger tablet and CG. To all who actually reads this crap ( I have a feeling I am bloging to myself) enjoy the artworks and more updates and links coming soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to the old drawing board

Closet Ghost is in the works that my older sister and I are working on. She is the writer and I am the artist. This will be featured in Comics Obscura issue five or six all depends how long it takes to developed. My first comic featured was LMR in issues two and three. Besides it was not going anywhere, it was mostly because of minor inconveniences. I want this one to be well thought out and rendered instead of jumping into it like a amature that I am. Right now I am working on character design with one of the two main characters, but since I am mostly a manga artist my characters, unfortunately, too similar. As you can see with my previous posts I had adapt a new style. Those are my minor stories for my webcomic, but Closet Ghost is the main project. I believe that some artist needs more than a couple of projects to keep themselves productive as well as occupied. I am working with the facial features, eyes, nose, etc.etc.ect. Manga style is going to take me a little while to work with so in the mean time I am using a cartoon, simplest style. Why I am going from manga artist too American style will be saved for another time. Lets just say I like to have some variety. Enjoy my doodles and such and will keep posting new artworks and updates. I also have an account at