Some things did not go right during our meetings for the, formally known, Comicas Obscura. Some things were said and things happened. Either one were not the best. Some people are/were pissed and so am I. What the fuck happened to this group? I don't fucking know. All I know that the things that were said really offended me and frustrated me to the extreem.
I went to the Pride march yesturday and for the first time in the past two weeks, I had fun. I forgot all of my problems and hung out with my friends. Now it's back to reality that is what ever the fuck the group is called.
We`are no longer obscura, and apparently, we never were.
I actually knew this since me and Christy decided to do something and get the group back into shape. Apperanlty some people thought it was clearly a "social gathering" BULL-SHIT. We have been scheduling meetings and starting to get productive. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but I WORKED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE FUCKING THING. I do not go there for a social thing, I did NOT walked miles to get to the cafe and back for some FUCKING social gathering that we can schedule at another time. Christy had worked hard. It will take time to get people working agian. That is why I am making a website.
This website is going to be a place for everyone to submit their works on a REGULAR basis. HOW????? By kicking their fucking asses that's how!!!!! Oh! And this is going to be mainly for me to produce artworks. GASP!!!! WHY??!!!! Becuase I don't know of I even want to produce for either group, but for your's truley DUNDUNDUUUUUN!!!! My mind will not be made up until I have a talk with Jay. First I have to get an e-mial back from him before that can happen. OOOOOO!!! Sarcasism????????? HAHA!
No one should not pissed by this becuase it is TRUE, why be pissed at the TRUTH??!
I AM pissed by what was said, and NO this is just not going to be swept under the rug. WE have to figure out what we are going to do as a GROUP!!! NO he said she said shit. I JOINED Comics Obscura for the PROFESSIONAL feel. To actualy have things published!!!!!!!! It was not ment to be a Jay v.s artists , but IT IS. I don't like GAMES, I dn't like to be USED, and I don;t like to be abandon like some worthless trash. The group does not want me to be the leader becuase I will be their worst NIGHTMARE!!
My sister does'nt want to be apart of the group no more for MULTIPLE reasons. NOW the fucking tension is at home!!! FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!!! So how about we do this, do what we have been doing for the past few months and START producing SHIT or GET THE FUCK OUT!!
Maybe I won't be around either.