Thursday, June 11, 2009


This week have NOT been the best of weeks. I have been, what seems to be, an neverending ride of fury. I am just so PISSED with everything, I am TIRED of the BULLSHIT. I am SICK and TIRED of being PLAYED!!!! I am too old for these god damn mother fucking games. I HATE being USED!!!!!!!! NO MORE!!!
This is about what happened with the "Obscura" group. A LOT of BULLSHIT. So we are starting a new and continue without Obscura, since we are no longer needed, and make the groupe the way IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE. I am not going to say too much, but it has something to do with being disposable.
I am sorry that I have not been posting. Will catch up soon, hopefully with my COMICS that I was suposed to recieve.

1 comment:

Jay Jacot said...

I'm sorry you feel that way Monica, I truly am. You always were one of the people who produced. I always saw work from you every time I stopped in (Most of the time it was sketchbook that was full from cover to cover in what seemed like a few weeks, I'm still in awe of this) You still impress me on a regular basis. I really look forward to seeing many of the things you produce.

You were never disposable, never. I'm not sure where the feeling of being disposable came from but I'm sure it's my fault for not supporting everyone more. No one involved in the Sunday gatherings were disposable, ever. Everyone had their worth and they still do. I've never said anything different.

But I was not there to be leader of the group and support everyone. I made that decision back in October. I was there as an equal party every time I arrived, at least thats how I viewed my involvement.

You're a very talented individual and all I ever wanted to see you do was produce and you do that in spades.

The images you speak of have now been delivered, all it took was a reminder.
