Thursday, November 26, 2009


The question remains...should I bother?

Saturday, September 19, 2009



Can you hear me?
You can certainly see me.
Can you hear me?
You look at me in the face.
Can you hear me?
I can see you.
Can you hear me?
I can look at you in your eyes.
Can you hear me?
I can hear you.
Can you hear me scream?
You cannot.
Can you hear me scream?
You do not desire to hear me.
Can you hear me scream?
You do not want to hear me.
Can you hear me scream?
You deny my words.
Can you hear me scream?
I want you to hear me.
Can you hear me scream?
You need to hear me.
Can you hear me scream?
You only listen when it is wriiten.
You can't hear me.
Before it's too late.
Before it's too late.
You refuse to look into my eyes.
I can look into your eyes.
I can see what you are.
I can see what you are.
I can see what you are.
You are a person who refuse to listen.
You are a person who refuses to understand.
You are a person who refuses to see.
You are a person who is blind.
You are a person who is deaf to reality.
You are nothing.
When you scream.
I will not listen.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


..............................looks like things are just going to repeat itself... Our so-called-president have been iresponsible, unreliable, ungreateful, and may possibly be unawar of the words coming out of his mouth. I was disapointed with him ever since the midsummersexpo in detroit. Then everything just kept on sliding down into a big, healthy pile of dog shit. I am tired of the mistakes, I am tired of Joe, I am tired of all the disrespect, and punches. I can only take so much. Now our group is going to back to the ways of Obscura. The group seems to think that everyone wants to do print. No. Apparently webcomics are just the social part of the group. No, apperently we are still having leadership and authority figures, NO. We are supposed to be a support group for local artists, NOT a business. The ones that want to be a business cn do so, but do not expect the rest to follow. I never thought I was apart of "Dark Corners" I never thought of myself being under a group name. Ever since the Obscura incident, I always thought of myself as, Monica L Vallejo. That is what I am and that is who I will be working for. The only other person I am working with is Christy on Orc Quest,. NOTHING MORE. I am not apart of basement 14, I am not apart of the panel. I am not FDark Corners. I am ME. I love the people and the artists in the group, but I am tired of the group. You may take this however you like, but some understands what I mean. Our group is not ready for building a business or monthly prints. None of us really have the money or will think of it as a good investment. I am currtenly not going to put money into something that I am not going to apart of. This doesn't mean that I am going away from the group or breaking apart from the group. This just means that I don't think of myself as Dark Corners. We are continueing making the same mistakes over and over. We do not bold well under authority, we o not work together that well on the same projects. We work very well as a support group becuase we all have individual goals. We have the wekkly goals as a way of getting used to deadlines. THAT IS ALL. So, I am going to the grand Cafe instead of Bigby's for two main reasons. ONE I do not want to do what everybody else want to do, TWO I do not want to waork under Joe. I am not trasveling accross town for a meeting about printing. I do not want to do prints. I want to do webcomics to get my story and characters out there. That way, I will know wether or not it sells. I still want to hang out with you guys and will still attend the Friday meetings. I just will not be apart of the panel. The bottom line is that we are not ready nor will many of us get it done in time. Do not take any offense to this or anything. I am just tired of hearing the same thing over and over again. And the sad part of it is that one of our memebers knows about business and have REALLY great ideas, buit no one wil listen to him. And the whole thing about hating on webcomics and manga. I am sorry, but I am a manga artist and want to do webcomics. THAT IS WHERE OUR AUDIENCE ARE. I cannot help, btu be a manga artist because that's all I would be under. Get over it please! I cannot be in a group where our own leader just attend the meeetings just to beat me around all he wants. I am tired of it. I am tired of it all. I do not know why Joe has it out for me so much. MAYBE because I have no talk ill of Jay. maybe because I am a manga artist. Maybe I am a better leader than him. Who knows because no one seems to wnat to answer that or knows why. If there is a reason, I want to know so that I can understand and possibly work it out with him. He caused a lot of dammage to the group, I am sorry to say, but it is true. And the reason why it hurts me so much because he was so happy to have me on board with comics Obscura and did not have a problem with me being a manga artist. Then he tured around and pushed me. I had a lot of respect for the group and him ,but I can't do it anymore. take this however you like, I am not dissing the you guys or disrespecting or any ither of that drama crap. It's simple, I do not want to do prints or do what the group wants. I am 22 years old, I need to work my own project and get my name out there. So, Myself, Micky, Christina, and Devon are going to continue being a supprt group at the Grand cafe, they want us there , they want us to hang artwork, and it is in an art community. My mind is made up until it is figured out. I just don't want any of you guys taking this personally or anything. I still want to work with you guys and hang out, just not as a business. We still have some work to do before we can start a business. I will see you guys Friday, if you still want me there, but I do not want to be around Joe. Later.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Allllllllllllllllllllllllllll riiiiiiiiiiighty then...............
The same bull is still in the mist of the so called Dark Corner Production. First we have this thing Jay and now it is with our manager/president. I don't know what his deal is, but it seems that he has na major bug up his kooter or something. I understand some of the agreesion, but what he has been doing is an absolute BULLSHIT. First he LOST our tables at the Novi con and we had to share ONE table for FOUR people!!! He sent the check to them three days before the con and they were sold out by the time he sent the money. At first he said he had tables for us already and all we have to do is pay him back...WRONG. Lukily there was an empty table so we had our two tables after all. The place was a DEAD spot and it was hotter than the fucking sun.
To make matters worst, Christy had not called them like she said she would!!! Becuase we had not recieved the money back. He already lost my respects there and then he decided to storm into the grand cafe and started bitching about why we were there and not at fleetwood. THEN he decided that it was ok to say that me and Devon were doing nothing, but playing games.........
THEN the fucker decided to say that we were just Christy's friends and thats why we decided to have the meeting at her place. NO we VOTED on it and he WAS NOT THERE. Not our fault. The day of the meeting, instead of writing down the address before he left, he decided to e-mial. Thats not the best part =3 It gets better, before he said that he does not have acess to e-mial OR a phone, but than he said to e-mial him????? I have no idea why nobody caught that???? THEN he said he has a phone now and did not call Christy about the address. Instead he left a pissy e-mial to Christy, that she got later that evening, and he was ranting on how he don;t need us or we are trying to get rid of him and blahly blahly blahhblahh pms bull shit. THEN she got worked up which got everyone else worked up. THEN she started to blame herself >< Its NO one's fault!!!!!!!!!! Joe is just having some trouble and he is taking it out on everybody else. OH!!!! If you haven't notice we are also having a location problem becuase the cafe closes too early. AND we have NOT produce ANYTHING!!! Or may I say everybody else except for a select few. Me and Devon cam eup with a plan and some rules and consequences. That we are going to talk about tonight. WE are NOT taking over the meeting or any bull crap. DON'T want to be part of that. BUT all I will say is that this is the last attempt.
I am just TIRED of it all, everybody's bitching, moaning, and bull. Right now I am listening to more bull with my stepdad and my little sister, who never seem to keep their mouths SHUT, and my older sister is bitching about her computer and how it is not connecting to the internet. She doesn't want to use my mom's because it is "too small" and she doesn't want to use mine becuase I need, but not until fucking six. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.........*rubs temple* I think I am going to have a heart attack one of these times. GREAT now my parents are fighting. The meeting BETTER be decent tonight...OR I AM GOING TO EXPLODE.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Sorry that this post came late. I am trying to sumbit and blog every two weeks at least. Well let see. Our group is not going so well. Like for one, two of our senior group is discussing about basement 14. I seen the place, it looks run down and even my step dad knows the place. I will still check it out, but I think we need a place that is a little sophisticated and professional.

It is not a snobby thing it is a professional feel, not a hang out.

It is hard to talk about certian subjects without sounding like an ass or dick, whatever. The bottom line is that we need to be MORE prpared and MORE productive. I have seen NO advertisement for the "release " party we had at the Gone wired, so it was a waste of time. Right now I am worried about my own creativity and shit. The group have to work on planning before jumping into anything else. The group is running into a brick wall right now. It will take a lot of work to turn ourselves around. Just like with participation. Our lives are busy and low budget. That is the cold hard truth. Even myself, I have to work on geting products created. It is called LIFE. And we cannot blame each other for misshaps. Ever since Comics Obcsura fell's been rough. I don't know what is going to happen from now on. All I know is that we will still move on with whatever we are doing. For me, it is LMR revamp, Orc Quest and my galleries.

I don't know what else to say..I guess this blog may be a waste becuase it is not going to make a difference. They are trying, but I don't know....

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Have nothing really to report right now........HERES' A COOKIE!!!!!!!!!
OH!!! This is for the winner that guessed what Transvan is ^^ You have to go here to find out more...........

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This is a new series that I want to do on my free time. I have drawn smut in a awhile and I want to hav some fun ;) I submit this at my sister's on the y! gallery, gallery for yaoi (boyxboy) website. so far thsi picture recieved more views than my art normally gets... ah sells right? I am having fun. I like the coloring in this, OH! YES! I recieved my Toshiba tablet pc a while ago and I have been practicing. Actually it is starting to spread in our group! They are FUN to have, but it is good to have some tablet skills too and keep the usb tablet, just in case. Also, don't rely on it too much becuase it a computer. Have some pen and paper time as well, even with the OUTRAGIOUS price raise in art supplies...damn. My pen was 3.49 at Hobby Lobby. I can't afford that, so I am using it wisely and for projects. Ball point can be just a s fun =3 Well that's all for now. I will try to get some more updates here.
P.s Totemo atatakaku narimashita ne????
English: It is VERY hot isn't it????

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Still Peed

The previous post made me A LOTbetter => God! It feels GOOD toget it out! Theres' PROGRESS happening right N0W! WAH!!


Some things did not go right during our meetings for the, formally known, Comicas Obscura. Some things were said and things happened. Either one were not the best. Some people are/were pissed and so am I. What the fuck happened to this group? I don't fucking know. All I know that the things that were said really offended me and frustrated me to the extreem.
I went to the Pride march yesturday and for the first time in the past two weeks, I had fun. I forgot all of my problems and hung out with my friends. Now it's back to reality that is what ever the fuck the group is called.
We`are no longer obscura, and apparently, we never were.
I actually knew this since me and Christy decided to do something and get the group back into shape. Apperanlty some people thought it was clearly a "social gathering" BULL-SHIT. We have been scheduling meetings and starting to get productive. I don't mean to sound like an ass, but I WORKED THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE FUCKING THING. I do not go there for a social thing, I did NOT walked miles to get to the cafe and back for some FUCKING social gathering that we can schedule at another time. Christy had worked hard. It will take time to get people working agian. That is why I am making a website.
This website is going to be a place for everyone to submit their works on a REGULAR basis. HOW????? By kicking their fucking asses that's how!!!!! Oh! And this is going to be mainly for me to produce artworks. GASP!!!! WHY??!!!! Becuase I don't know of I even want to produce for either group, but for your's truley DUNDUNDUUUUUN!!!! My mind will not be made up until I have a talk with Jay. First I have to get an e-mial back from him before that can happen. OOOOOO!!! Sarcasism????????? HAHA!
No one should not pissed by this becuase it is TRUE, why be pissed at the TRUTH??!
I AM pissed by what was said, and NO this is just not going to be swept under the rug. WE have to figure out what we are going to do as a GROUP!!! NO he said she said shit. I JOINED Comics Obscura for the PROFESSIONAL feel. To actualy have things published!!!!!!!! It was not ment to be a Jay v.s artists , but IT IS. I don't like GAMES, I dn't like to be USED, and I don;t like to be abandon like some worthless trash. The group does not want me to be the leader becuase I will be their worst NIGHTMARE!!
My sister does'nt want to be apart of the group no more for MULTIPLE reasons. NOW the fucking tension is at home!!! FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!!!! So how about we do this, do what we have been doing for the past few months and START producing SHIT or GET THE FUCK OUT!!
Maybe I won't be around either.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


This week have NOT been the best of weeks. I have been, what seems to be, an neverending ride of fury. I am just so PISSED with everything, I am TIRED of the BULLSHIT. I am SICK and TIRED of being PLAYED!!!! I am too old for these god damn mother fucking games. I HATE being USED!!!!!!!! NO MORE!!!
This is about what happened with the "Obscura" group. A LOT of BULLSHIT. So we are starting a new and continue without Obscura, since we are no longer needed, and make the groupe the way IT WAS SUPPOSE TO BE. I am not going to say too much, but it has something to do with being disposable.
I am sorry that I have not been posting. Will catch up soon, hopefully with my COMICS that I was suposed to recieve.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Something I did just now for my final project in Advanced digital imaging. This is NOT advanced because I couldn't give two shits about it. It looks cool none the less.


I tried to do a full animated 3 minute flash in two in a half weeks. My instructor was only expecting a ANIMATIC , which is just key points. My mind was set to FULL ANIMATOR mode and I just took on more than I can chew. I AM SO FUCKING TIRED.
I will finish it when the I am DONE taking a BREAK!!! Or when I get my Toshiba =3

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


We were doing text thing in my digital class. I like how it turned out so I wanted to share it with you woowho! Have a BIG project due in a month so yeah busy busy busy. We finally got a title for me and Christy's comic!!! Its called Orc Quest DUN DUN DUUUN!!!!! Its a perfect title I should say so myself. Christy thought of it the other day. Thats it for now.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I have NOT been posting as much as I should!!! I realized that I need to update MORE!!! I have been showered with homework this weekend and am planning to get my own laptop with LOADS of memory and stuff for art programs. I may even get myself one of those all in one laptop/tablet gizmos. They are a lot of fun actually, I really love doodling on them. I do have a few sketches on there that I need to transfer. It is my friend's computer and he have been letting me tinker with it for a while. He is so nice!! So, yeah got a fresh new sketchbook and ready for some The Orc sketches!!!!!!! I will start updating more often with lots of pictures^^

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

For my KillerBunnySlippers=3

This if for my dear friend on Deviantart go check her out!!!

Hopepfully she will be able to view it on here. I oriinally had it on furaffinity, she was not able to view it on there. Yes, she is the right age for this adult image. I did a color version for it too, it is not as nice this one. Hope you like=3

Happy Time...

Something I did during arts228, I am sorry, but I tried to not to doodle or draw in this class. Lets put it this way I felt like a damn drug addict waiting for their fix. I could not pay attention without a voice screaming in my head JUST GET ON WITH IT!!! This class is just so damn boring and my computer did not want ti work for me. I was a good girl and tried to do my homework. but none of the pictures I saved wanted to open. This was supposed to be Goku fan pic, but it came out a little flat. So I made it into a picture of a lineart drawing. Thats all for now, at least I uploaded something this week. I think I missed last week I am not sure. After this doodle I feel A LOT better. Just another damn hour to go.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Some more stuff

This is what I was doing somewhat^^ I am soppose to do my storyboards project. Homework Procrastination runs through even the best of us I guess. I did do any post early this week so I thought I pitch these works for yah. At least I wa able to post something this week.

Monday, February 23, 2009


These are the sketches for a "second" main character. I am working on a comic with Christy Hans from Comics Obscura. This is about a Orc and a bazerker that will start out as one-shot images to introduce the characters. There are also other characters like a pot-smoking-two-headed-dragon, a not so evil wizard and a actual villian. This guy is the not so evil sorceror whi has a crush on the Orc's female companion. To win her effections he does "evil" things and tricks which just make him more of a dork. I have here are just an idea of what he might look like. She wanted me to tinker with the hair and the outfit. Unfortunately I am not good with fantasy based characters or weardrobes. She does so she can help me A LOT with that. Enjoy:D
"I haz to ponder"

Monday, February 16, 2009

Oh My God!!! Just one pic????

This is what I drew today in my computer class. I have the color version up on my Deviantart account. Yeah nothing NUAGHTY or anything like that on here. Maybe soon, maybe not I think I will just change the settings until I actually have anything x-rated on here.

Still doing some practice with the tablet. Still need some work with CG and the illustration. Maybe the lines are too thick for CG??????? I have a few DBZ fans on my DA and they wish to see more fanart of the characters. I personally LOVE the series, but I dont want people to go to my page becuase it is of thier favorite characters. then agian they also love my art so it makes it worth the time sort-of-speak. Oh yeah, Goku (C) Akira Toryama^-^

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My computer is still under construction. I cannot scan any new artworks so all I have is a bunch of doodles for you all. Also I was recently hacked or spammed on my deviantart account and had to change ALL of my passwords. My flashdrives will work for now,but soon they will be filled. I do not want to hog my mom's computer so this is all I can do for now. My art classes have tablets so I can doodle up some images for here and my DA. Its great practice on a bigger tablet and CG. To all who actually reads this crap ( I have a feeling I am bloging to myself) enjoy the artworks and more updates and links coming soon.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back to the old drawing board

Closet Ghost is in the works that my older sister and I are working on. She is the writer and I am the artist. This will be featured in Comics Obscura issue five or six all depends how long it takes to developed. My first comic featured was LMR in issues two and three. Besides it was not going anywhere, it was mostly because of minor inconveniences. I want this one to be well thought out and rendered instead of jumping into it like a amature that I am. Right now I am working on character design with one of the two main characters, but since I am mostly a manga artist my characters, unfortunately, too similar. As you can see with my previous posts I had adapt a new style. Those are my minor stories for my webcomic, but Closet Ghost is the main project. I believe that some artist needs more than a couple of projects to keep themselves productive as well as occupied. I am working with the facial features, eyes, nose, etc.etc.ect. Manga style is going to take me a little while to work with so in the mean time I am using a cartoon, simplest style. Why I am going from manga artist too American style will be saved for another time. Lets just say I like to have some variety. Enjoy my doodles and such and will keep posting new artworks and updates. I also have an account at

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Inspired by a doodle

While doing some doodles I may have a ,yet, another new character. He kinda looks emo. I want to say he may be about 12 years old or so. I love how the drawing came out so I wanted to share it. He kinda looks like Coraline. Coloring was a rush job, but thats the beauty of doodles

Evin and Deril

Some more sketches and linearts from one of my webcomics (in the works). From top to bottom is Evin (name pending) and Deril. Deril is Kevin's best friend and Evin is the new cute boy in school. I hve been working on a lot of tablet drawings, but some will be on here that seems viewable.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Here some more sketches of my mian character Kevin of yet to be named comic. I did these at LCC with a wacom tablet that was about maybe 7 x 7 or so, very slick and tryicky to work with.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

New comic

A little comic I have been working on. Well I worked on it a couple of months ago or so. Its a pretty 40 pages rough start none the less. This one is my main character, Kevin, in a coming out kinda story. He and his best friend are living the life of a homosexual teenagers. His friend, Deril, has no problem with living out of the closet, but Kevin on the other hand is having a bit of a problem. Of course he meets the new boy in town, cute, cool, and loveable by most. And this new boy also steals Kevins' heart. The problem is would he mind being with someone who lives"undercover"? A little vague description, but I am still working on explianing my stories and good development. Here is a panel shot idea for the story. A title is still in the works.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sorry for the delay

I am REALLY new at this sort of thing and currently trying to upload artworks on the front page and having a little trouble with it. I will get new stuff u.ploaded as soon as I can figure it out or have someone give me some assisitance.